30 Day Challenge logo

Wouldn’t it be satisfying to finally finish that
important task you’ve been putting off for ages?

Here’s how to tick off any task on your To-Do List in the next 30 days (or sooner) without working harder, without letting anyone down and especially without giving up anything you love doing…

From: Darren Finkelstein
The Accountability Guy®
Dear Goal-Kicker,

You know that important task that keeps getting bumped down your To-Do List by urgent busy-work?

The 30-Day Accountability Challenge will help you get it done so you can get on to the next exciting phase in your business or life.

The process is really simple…
  1. First, I’ll help you get CLARITY on what a successful outcome will look like
  2. Next, you’ll make it a PRIORITY by coupling your goal to why it really matters
  3. Finally, we’ll figure out what ACTIVITY needs to be done, when you will do it and who needs to be involved to make it possible

How much more time, money and opportunity are you going to waste by putting it off?

When in just a few weeks or days you could be enjoying the relief, satisfaction and pride of finally having it done.

All you need is a helping hand from the best accountability coach in the business…



It only gets worse if you wait until next month!



You Pay


  • Darren’s two business books.
    Signed paperback copies of “The Accountability Advantage” and “NO” are included with postage paid worldwide.
  • One 60-minute private 1:1 coaching session via Zoom. This is held at the beginning to commence the 30 Day Challenge.
  • A further two 30-minute private 1:1 coaching sessions via Zoom.
    – One at the halfway mark to ensure you are on track.
    – The final session at the end of the 30 Day Challenge to review progress, debrief and discuss ‘what’s next’ on your To-Do List…..
  • Video recordings of all of our Zoom sessions will be available (Naturally, with your permission) 
  • Session Notes and Action Items generated by the Zoom AI companion, will be emailed to you automatically.

To accept the 30-day Challenge,
click BUY NOW.

Then, to begin your Challenge, choose a convenient time and date from our calendar on our “thank you page” to schedule your first 1:1 coaching session with Darren.

We will schedule the final two coaching sessions after your Action Plan has been agreed upon and your due dates have been finalised.

Challenge Accepted

No distractions, just the two of us... It is not the time to point fingers, make excuses, or blame. Now is the time to make a commitment and finish the task and achieve your desired outcome.

Accountability is your superpower

  1. Get Clarity so you know what to do FIRST.
  2. Get Started  so you know what to do NEXT.
  3. Get Stuff Done  so you know what to do MORE of.

Clarity is getting crystal clear on exactly what it is you need to get done, the due date, and what a successful outcome looks like for you.

We’ll establish the true importance of this task so you can prioritise it without feeling guilty. Finally, we’ll create a sensible action plan that will tick it off your To-Do List in the next 30 days (probably less).

Because clarity is crucial, we will record every session on Zoom with your permission. The Zoom AI companion will then create our Session Notes and Action Items, which you will receive via email.

You’ll have two follow-up sessions with me to help you stay on track and ensure your success.

The Accountability Guy® ‘Can’t Lose’ Guarantee

Follow the actions in the plan we come up with together and you will achieve your goal within 30 days. If you don’t, then I’ll work with you privately for a further 30 days for free until you succeed.

You literally cannot fail with The Accountability Guy® in your corner.

Let’s get started and tick that important task off your To-Do List together!

Latest Podcast!

Goal Setting & Staying Accountable | Work in Progress

I was excited to join Tia Harmer on The Work in Progress: The Personal Productivity Science Insights Podcast! We dive deep into the science of goal setting and the power of accountability—two cornerstones of business and personal success.