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Cultivate deep work – 18 things to make you more efficient

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

Home » Cultivate deep work – 18 things to make you more efficient
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Some tasks are just hard. There’s no substitute for deep work.

Everybody has a few daily To-Dos that could be almost be knocked out while sleeping. These are the tasks that you need podcasts to get through—if anything, they’re hard to get yourself to do because they’re not especially interesting.

At the same time, there are some tasks that are just difficult. You can’t multitask your way to finishing them. You need to devote serious time and mental effort to knocking them out of the park.

Here are a few recommendations to cultivate deep work:

  • Schedule deep work: Plan deep work into your schedule at a similar time every day, probably in the morning. Having a regular time to do deep work helps you make it a habit
  • Get bored: It sounds counterintuitive to call being bored a productive habit, but being comfortable with boredom is important. Deep work isn’t always enjoyable, and boredom or frustration are what cause us to seek out distractions. Avoid using social media for entertainment as much as possible, and get more comfortable doing nothing.
  • Be harder to contact: Email and other distractions can be reduced by asking people who contact you to do more work up front. Ask people to research their questions before coming to you, and provide as much info as possible in their emails. Same goes for you—spending time on communications instead of dashing off a quick email can minimize back and forth.
  • Know your work habits: Do you work best in isolation? With periodic breaks? Are you working around a hectic schedule? You don’t need to overhaul your entire schedule—just set aside some time for deep work.

Highly productive people have mastered the skill of deep work.

DELIVERING WHAT YOU PROMISE and getting your team to do the same

Do you meet the obligations, promises, goals and commitments made to yourself and to others?

The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study in 2010 on accountability and found out that the probability of completing a goal is:

  • 10% – If you have an idea or a goal actually.
  • 25% – If you consciously decide you will do it.
  • 40% – If you decide when you will do it.
  • 50% – If you plan how you will do it.
  • 65% – If you commit to someone, you will do it.
  • 95% – If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

After reading this, how likely are you to achieve your; goals, promises, obligations and commitments alone? Book your FREE Unboxing Session with me ‘The Accountability Guy’ and we’ll examine exactly where you’re at, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and we’ll take a look at your priorities to set the path moving forward. Each Unboxing Session includes:

  • 60-90min obligation-free Zoom chat about your goals, promises and commitments
  • Examine your priorities
  • Review your ‘To-Do List’ and we’ll dig-in to how you will implement
  • Together, we will create a plan and set timelines

Click here to BOOK now.

For more information visit: https://tickthoseboxes.com.au or call me directly: +61 418-379 369.