You require it because your lack of action is costing your company money, causing you to miss out on opportunities, and upsetting people.
If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Accountability coaching is not about punishing those who are sluggish or do not have a strong desire to succeed in business. It’s the polar opposite.
The time has come to act.
It’s all about Getting Sh*t Done and smashing your goals with a cricket bat like pinatas.
Learning how to implement accountability is ideal for high performers who want to Get Shi!t Done, accomplishing more goals each day without having to work harder or longer. Inaction is simply procrastination; burying your head in the sand and hoping things will improve is blind hope.
Harvard Business School does not teach hope as a strategy. Steve Jobs didn’t wait; he took action. Everything else hinges on your ability to ‘implement and execute,’ and it is critical to the success of your business.
If you want to have more wins while juggling even more balls in the air, you need to act!
Do any of these apply to you or your team?
Because you have so much on your mind, you pay attention to whoever yells the loudest.
Do you try to accomplish too much in an unrealistic time frame? Do you have the ability to say NO to others?
You want to complete a specific task or project, but you’re not in the right frame of mind to devise a workable plan. Some people never plan anything. ‘If you don’t plan, you plan to fail,’ is correct. There has never been a sentence more true to me.
What has held you back in the past may still be present. The monkey may still be on your back, and you have no plan for dealing with it. While you hope it will go away, you are aware that it is unlikely.
When you don’t know where to begin with an exercise, you procrastinate and never get started.
There is no true motivation for completion if you do not have a compelling reason to complete the task or project. Typically, you’ll move on to the next project, leaving the first one unfinished because you believe the new project has greater significance, and so on.
It’s as if no one cares if you don’t have anyone to hold you accountable, and deadlines pass without a hitch. However, if you had shared your completion date with someone else, they would have been monitoring your progress, assisting you to work through the awkward moments, and assisting you to cross the finish line on time.
Whenever you and/or your team are ready, here are many ways to become more accountable…
‘NO’ – Building a life of choice without obligation”
Imagine turning mandatory tasks into empowering choices. Imagine if ‘NO’ could lead you to happiness and freedom. This book will show you that ‘NO’ can open the door to a life you never thought possible. Buy a copy
Click here for more information on all my coaching programs.
According to the dictionary, “accountability” means:
An individual’s or organization’s obligation to account for its actions, accept responsibility for them, and disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes financial or other entrusted property responsibility.
To summarise, accountability entails keeping promises or honouring commitments made to ourselves or others. There is a distinction to be made between accountability and responsibility; they are cousins rather than identical twins.
Allow me to explain. You are responsible for things and answerable to others.
If we want to get things done, we need someone we can work with – someone in a key position who holds you accountable.
This person must have a track record of completing tasks on their own. You don’t need talkers; you need people who take action.
Accountability promotes activity, and activity promotes opportunities.
The bottom line for business is: Accountability is doing the things you say you are going to do, and getting your team to do the same.
That’s precisely how I can help, you can also find me on LinkedIn
Download a FREE SAMPLE from my books.
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