5 Golden Rules To Master Your Goal-Setting Process

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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One way to experience a powerful shift in your life is when you dare to dream by creating goals. And if you dream of being a successful entrepreneur, setting goals is a must. These goals help empower you to achieve your dream by boosting your confidence and creating a sense of achievement.

When you first hear the words “setting goals,” it might seem like an easy task. All you need to do is scribble down a rough “to-do” list, and you are done. However, the actual process is a lot more complex.

Lucky for you, this article is here to simplify the process in 5 easy steps. If followed correctly, you will be able to set crisp goals in no time.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

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Table of Contents

What Are Goals?

In simple terms, a goal is something that you aspire to do/achieve in the near future. The basic idea behind a goal is to help you envision your thoughts, plan and further commit to achieving them in the near future.

Setting goals gives your life better a better direction, boosts your self-confidence, and motivates you to achieve them. Whether you are a student in college or a beginner entrepreneur looking to start a business, setting goals will give you a clear understanding of what you need to do to become successful.

5 Golden Rules To Set Smart Goals

As mentioned before, setting goals might seem like an easy task. However, the actual process is more complex. This section will learn how to set your goals and aspirations in place in 5 simple steps!

Step 1: Plan Goals With A Positive Impact

The best way to get started is to start by planning your goals with the best positive impact.

And in order to do that, you will first have to prioritize various aspects of your life. This includes your health, family, finances, career, and other leisure activities. This way, you can find out what motivates you to create a positive impact.

This will also help you identify your primary goal. You can also transfer this goal to a diary and jot down all the possible obstacles you might face and their solutions.

Neatly organize all this information to start with a clear conscience, and a strong head start.

Step 2: Have SMART Goals

Yes, it is important to have smart goals to help stay focused, but you also need to have SMART goals. This is an acronym now that stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Realistic
  • Time-limited

Let us understand this better with an example.

Can you notice the difference between “I will be starting my own life strategist business that will help people make smooth transitions in their life by the end of this month” and “I want to start a business”?

The first statement has been framed using the SMART technique. You will notice that this one is more specific and goal-oriented. However, the second statement is very vague and unclear.

Similarly, when you apply the SMART technique to your goals, you will better understand how to proceed to achieve your goal.

Step 3: Note Them Down

If you aren’t already in the habit of writing down your thoughts, you might want to consider getting into practice now.

The best way to get started with this is by using diaries, weekly planners, sticky notes, journals, etc. One way to keep your head clear and focused is by writing down your goals in sticky notes and pasting them around you.

This will help you focus your attention and make you work harder to make them come true.

Step 4: Map Out The Obstacles And Find Solutions

Once you have planned and mapped out your goals, your next step is to map out potential obstacles and find their solutions.

When you start working on your goals, you are bound to be faced with obstacles. These can appear very threatening if you are not prepared. However, if you plan for your obstacles with their solutions ahead of time, you will be more prepared to handle them when it happens.

Constantly remind yourself and re-connect with your vision to help you stay focused through it all.

Step 5: Work On Your Goals Every Day

Working towards achieving your goals is a non-stop hustle. You always need to be on go-mode and stay motivated to work every day.

In order to do this, think of yourself from the endpoint. Imagine how your life would play out once you have achieved your set dreams. You would feel a lot of joy and satisfaction and be extremely content with your life.

This way of thinking will keep you motivated to constantly work towards it and will help you achieve it faster. You can also create vision boards to help you with this.

Parting Thoughts

Setting goals in life and achieving them is truly one of the most difficult things to do. However, it can also be very rewarding in the end. Everyone has dreams, goals, and aspirations. What will set yours apart is the way you plan to achieve them.

Plan your goals well and dive into it headstrong. You are bound to experience a few bumps here and there but make sure they don’t stop you from moving forward. Because with hard work and effort, you will find that nothing is impossible.