A Few Examples Of Accountability?

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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When most people hear the word “accountability,” they often connect it to being responsible for their bad behavior, either in the workplace or in life. However, there is much more to accountability than just responsibility.

Being accountable means taking responsibility for your entire life. This includes your words, your action, your choices, and every single decision you take. Being accountable also means staying on top of all your successes and failures.

It is also important to remember that accountability is more of a skill set than a mindset.

While it can be difficult to implement this practice into your everyday life, making use of examples can help you speed up the process. But what are these examples, you may ask.

Lucky for you, we have covered it all in this article! So, without further ado, let’s dive in!

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What Is Accountability?

Accountability is the sole obligation of every individual and organization to take responsibility for their words, choices, actions, etc., and to also accept their mistakes in case of failures.

Being an accountable person will help you understand the power of freedom and choice. You will be the leader of your life, and you get to decide how each event will affect you. It will also open your mind to a world of endless possibilities that were impossible before adopting this habit.

This will further help create a path for your life.

By implementing this habit, you will become more cautious of what to handle a task/event and how to do it. It will give you a clear idea of how to handle things in such a way that you will reach your goals and aspirations with minimal struggle.

The following are illustrative examples of accountability.


What Are The Examples Of Accountability?

If you would like to create this mindset within yourself, you must keep in mind that it is very difficult to achieve. This is because many times, we blame other people for certain consequences.

People are quick to point their fingers at everyone but themselves.

Lucky for you, accountability is a skill set that can be learned with time. In order to speed up this process, you can utilize the following eight illustrative examples that best describe accountability.


Just another day at a customer service agency where an employee cancels a particular customer’s order after perceiving their actions as rude and impolite.

The customer chooses to react to this by publicizing this unpleasant experience. After this, the executive management calls upon the manager to account for the experience.

In this case, the employee is held responsible for the event; however, the manager will be held accountable for the event and the employee’s actions.

Work Products

A creative copywriter is put in charge of a creative team of 50 talented individuals and is held accountable for all their work deliverables.

If a particular deliverable is perceived to be below the mark by a customer, the upper management will call the creative copywriter to account for the recognized failure.


A  Chief Information Technology Director is involved in designing and developing a particular strategy to allocate certain tasks to a partner. This strategy will also have all its benefits clearly outlined in the plan. After a lot of fine-tuning, the IT Director decides to execute the strategy.

If this execution fails to reach these benefits, the IT Director will be the one to take the blame.

Decision Making

A sales representative concludes that a particular organization is not serious enough about making a purchase. They may also constantly neglect any and all opportunities to act on the purchase.

Soon, the sales representative comes to understand the same company has made an even bigger purchase from their competitive agency. In this case, the sales manager should account for the practices in their organization.

Besides, this is what drove the company to purchase from the competitors without putting up a fight.



A bank or a depository has an effective, existing policy that started that all branch heads should have to promote nearly 60 products every month or risk unemployment.

Following this, banks and branch heads will start to come up with several aggressive sales pitches that will help push people into buying the product.

If this does not work out according to their plan, the bank might start to play the blame game and point their fingers at the individual employees, failing to take responsibility for the de facto policy.



A fashion and makeup company starts to outsource people for manufacturing products for other developing countries.

These products that need to be designed will have to be manufactured while keeping employment standards and low environmental effects in mind.

Meanwhile, the organization itself still remains accountable for the said requirements. This clearly shows that you cannot outsource accountability.



An IT or CIO assigns a risky political project to a team of junior members. In this case, people can predict the project as one that is doomed to fail. And when this happens, the manager may attempt to steer clear of accountability by saying that they were not involved during the planning of this project.

This depicts poor responsibility practices.



A well-reputed airline agency starts to push back on their pilots, operations, and maintenance and slowly delays the strict flight schedules.

The crew is often rewarded for following up on regular meeting schedules but fails to rewards them for addressing potential hazards on flights. They start to prioritize money over safety. Therefore, in the case of a safety incident, the agency might blame the individual employees, but in reality, it was the complete work ethics and culture.

The impact may not be immediately, but it ultimately leads to the downfall of the airline agency.


Final Words

Personal accountability means not blaming others or making excuses for one’s own fault. They know what they expect of themselves and others, and they are not afraid to admit when they are in the wrong.

They can also appreciate the gratification that comes with things going well – because they have rightfully earned it.

It takes guts to think twice before passing blame, but if you can increase your consciousness and establish healthy resilience, your life’s mistakes and disappointments will become highly useful life lessons.

Needless to say, you only get one shot at life. Make sure you live it on your own terms.