Media Release: The Accountability Advantage – Play Your Best Game, Out Now!

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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Accountability is your superpower, learn to use it and it’s game changing.

The Accountability Advantage paperback coverGet on top of your business, instead of being buried under it. My goal is for you to achieve your goals. I’m right here for you each step of the way. 


I’m Darren Finkelstein The Accountability Guy® and author of the newest book ‘The Accountability Advantage – play your best game’ available from today for worldwide release.

Read about my proven 7-step process on ‘my road to accountability’.

Follow this, and you’ll hit your goals, keep your promises and to honour those commitments you’ve made to others and to yourself.

Stop pissing off those around you and just “do the things you say you are going to do and get your team to do the same”.

I’m Darren Finkelstein The Accountability Guy® and author of the newest book ‘The Accountability Advantage – play your best game’ available from today for worldwide release.


“The Best Accountability Coach in the Game!”

– Andrew Griffiths, Best Selling Author, Speaker and Entrepreneurial Futurist 

Are you high-performing and want to juggle more balls in the air at once? Perhaps, you feel so overwhelmed, it’s overwhelming!

If so, they are both clues of why you need to be held accountable.

My answer is simple. 

Learning to harness accountability is NOT punishment, nor is it negative for non-performers. It’s the opposite. Accountability is positive, it’s powerful – apply it to play your best game.

Sticking your head in the sand and hoping things will improve won’t change a darn thing, and you know that. Tomorrow’s result will be the same as today, because HOPE is not a strategy that Branson or Musk endorse.

Accountability creates activity, activity creates opportunity. Opportunity is where I’ve always made money.

And I guarantee… that by reading my book and following my 7-step process you will increase your probability of achieving your goals, tasks and promises to a massive 95%.

If you don’t, I’ll work with you privately, One-On-One via Zoom, for 30-days to ensure you do. How’ s for a guarantee? 

No more excuses, it’s time to take action.

What would you give to get on top of your business, instead of getting buried under it?

You begin here, right now with me, and it starts by reading this book.

My private clients working with me One-On-One confirm that my program works. In fact, I got a 97.8 average feedback score in my recent survey.

My 7-steps outlined in the book are a proven way to define, achieve and surpass your business goals and finally make those changes which are long overdue.

NO excuses, NO blame and NO finger-pointing – just taking action.

You might have attempted other stuff in the past, but it didn’t work out and I’m going to show you why.

When you know how to become accountable, in the way I’m about to show you, the results will change your life and your business. This new way of becoming accountable and getting others accountable in your organisation is what separates successful business owners from those who spin their wheels, struggle to keep heads above water and throw in the towel.

This is a lifeline. 

A proven way to define, achieve and surpass your business goals and finally make those changes which are long-overdue.

A study* in the USA was undertaken in 2010 and found out that the probability of completing a goal is:

10% – If you have an actual idea or goal.

25% – If you consciously decide you will do it.

40% – If you decide when you will do it.

50% – If you plan how you will do it.

65% – If you commit to someone, you will do it.

95% – If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

So after reading this, do you still feel you can hit your goals alone, I doubt it – and the facts support me on this….


– Secret discount code –

My book is now available globally from today.

After reading this media release, order your paperback copy or eBook version right now and use my secret discount code: take20 you will save 20% off the retail price.

To purchase, go to:

Also, available from Amazon, iBook store and other leading booksellers over the coming months.

The Accountability Advantage Book

Media Interviews & enquiries

If you would like to interview Darren for your podcast; webinar, radio show, TV or invite him to comment, write or contribute on the subjects in any of his books, please contact him directly at

If you are on deadline, please Darren now on + 61) 418-379 369

You can learn more about Darren’s programs and sessions by visiting: