How Did You Learn To Take Responsibility For Your Actions?

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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Do you know how to take responsibility for your actions?

Taking responsibility for your actions is very liberating and, if done consciously, can help you to develop a healthy individualistic mindset.

Assuming accountability for your actions requires you to evaluate your series of acts that have led to the decision. You look back, inspect each and every step, understand the underlying problems, and then take action to rectify them.

It’s a time-consuming process, demands effort, and calls you to take up the chance to evolve.

In contrast, running away from accountability is a recurring momentum killer in professional and personal spheres.

People often wait for ‘someone’ to come, act, take charge, and blame for their actions. And when this ‘someone’ doesn’t appear, they start blaming their circumstances.


Because fleeing from problems is easy and comfortable. However, change isn’t, the challenge isn’t, nor is growth. And if you continue to run away from your problems, you’ll never likely grow as an individual.

So, if you are wondering why your productivity has hit a plateau or your growth has come to a standstill, then probably the source of the problem is internal rather than external. And taking responsibility for allowing it to happen may be the first step to resuming your progress.

Keep reading this article to learn how to take responsibility for your actions and regain growth momentum.

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Difference between fault and responsibility

The words fault and responsibility are often used interchangeably, which is incorrect. A fault is reactive, while responsibility is proactive.

For instance, progressive leaders often assume responsibility for actions that are not their fault.

Playing blame game inhibit learning and coerce actions. However, taking responsibility drives growth and offers serenity.

Blame gives way to guilt, making people feel bad about their actions and impact on others. It’s why humans often run away from assuming responsibility because they are afraid of being shunned by society by their peers.

Due to such abnormal beliefs inculcated by society, people believe that if they make a mistake, their honor is damaged, and they are indelibly damaged. Hence, the desire to run away or avoid responsibility is tempting.

Although turning your back upon accountability may be tempting, it’s also exhausting. It is an ineffective protection mechanism that leads to low morale, productivity, and self-worth.

Help isn’t coming

Abraham Lincoln has rightly said, “Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”

There’s no help, nor is it coming. Responsibility is not a mindset but a choice, yours to make. And it starts by developing an attitude that, as an individual, you’re accountable for the diligent deliverability and quality of the outcome.

Even if you don’t have authority over the project or task and you’re working in a team. Yes, there’s no ‘I’ in a team, but there’s an ‘a’, and it stands for ‘accountability.’

It’s also why great leaders refused to take a reactive role in any circumstances. Instead of waiting for help or the right chance, they pioneered solutions. They take complete responsibility for errors that are not their own to innovate and drive results.

So, if you think you’re a product of your circumstances, refuse to be its pawn. Stop drowning yourself in self-pity but take charge to turn your situation into your flavor.

Own your narrative, choices, and actions

Entrepreneurs have a high sense of responsibility instilled in them. It’s also why they’re result-driven individuals. Their actions aren’t limited to self-interest but also cater to the needs of others.

The entrepreneurial spirit is a textbook example of the growth that you make as an individual when you start taking responsibility for your actions.

Taking responsibility for your actions gives you a sense of control over your life. You start to own your narrative; you’re no longer in the passenger seat of the car called life but in the driver’s seat.

Your actions are well-thought and consider the welfare of society at large. Practicing accountability makes you stronger and an action-oriented individual.

Hence, the choice is yours to make. Take responsibility and turn the outcome of your personal and professional life or take a backseat and let your potential go to waste.

Summing up

Running away from responsibility is like fertilizing the weed of low productivity and morale in your life. Soon, this weed will spread and take control of your individualism, making you feel ashamed and not good enough.

On the other hand, responsibility help to inculcate progressive values like strategizing and inquisitiveness, which are the dials for growth and learning.

It might seem hard at first but adjusting your focal view of the notion of ‘blame’ helps. Try to see errors as learning opportunities instead of sources of shame. It’s the mistakes that teach you valuable life lessons, which later greases the wheel of your creativity to produce actionable innovation.