How Do I Become A Good Accountability Coach?

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Become an accountability coach

Taking risks and learning from them is an important part of growth and maturity. Taking charge, being proactive and not being constantly afraid of failure – these are the qualities that an accountability coach must possess to first enhance their own expertise and then move on to becoming a better accountability coach for others.

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Discover your Accountability Score and increase the probability of smashing your GOALS and Getting Sh!t Done!

Here is a list of things you can do to become a good accountability coach.

  1. Be Personally Accountable to Yourself
  2. Listen To Ideas and Support Creativity
  3. Make Yourself Available And Approachable
  4. Empower Others to Take Their Own Decisions
  5. Reward Commitment and Dedication
  6. Learn to Push the Limits and Take Healthy Risks

Why everyone in business needs an Accountability Coach

Because doing nothing costs you money and lost opportunity, and you’re pissing people off by your lack of action. Are you juggling too many balls in the air at once, trying desperately not to drop any of them? If so, that is a clue why you may need an accountability coach.

Let me share a game-changing study with you from the USA, it was undertaken to calculate the probability of completing a goal with and without direct support, assistance and guidance.

The stats are phenomenal:

After reading this, how likely are you to achieve your; goals, promises, obligations and commitments alone? This is exactly WHY we all need an Accountability Coach.

1 – Stay Accountable To Yourself

First, the journey towards helping others in their efforts for accountability must begin with you. You must learn how to be accountable to yourself in the first place before you can help anyone else achieve their goals. After all, who wants an expert who does not follow their own advice?

Furthermore, being an accountability coach means helping people learn how to be accountable and how to incorporate accountability in their daily lives to achieve their goals. This can not be done unless you first practice accountability properly on your end and also follow through with your commitments, decisions and objectives.

2 – Listen to Others and Support Their Ideas

A good leader must listen to the voices of those they work with and use the ideas as well. Also listening to the opinions of their colleagues to make better decisions and to optimize a situation to best meet the needs and expectations of others. Furthermore, harboring a positive and supportive attitude is a key aspect to inspire and motivate others too which brings greater energy to the tasks at hand.

So, when people feel that they are being given importance, they tend to respect and listen better to you and this is very important for your success as an accountability coach. Having the attention and respect of your peer’s means being able to help them make changes to their lifestyle, which is no doubt going to be necessary for any journey towards accountability.

3 – Make Yourself Available and Approachable

To be a good accountability coach, people must be comfortable speaking and interacting with you. So, this means letting people know that you are available and approachable by keeping a mild and measured demeanor with others. This does not mean that you cannot leave out personal time for yourself. Rather, it means building a rapport of trustworthiness and also integrity amongst your peers.

4 – Empower Others to Take Their Own Decisions

As an accountability coach, it is not your job to tell people how to live their lives. Rather, it is your purpose to equip them with the skills they need to make positive changes in their lives however and whenever they want to do so. Empowering others to take charge of their own states and also enabling them to make good decisions for themselves is the hallmark of a good accountability coach.

5 – Reward Commitment and Dedication

An accountability coach is responsible for helping their colleagues track their progress towards their goals and objectives. In fact, it is a good idea to celebrate and reward the dedication and commitment of those you are helping. This also boosts morale, increases motivation, and creates an atmosphere of trust and partnership that is incredibly important to you as an accountability coach.

6 – Push the Limits and Take Healthy Risks

You must take a leading role and inspire your colleagues to take more risks and push their limits to achieve greater and greater success with each step. This means pushing yourself as well to take a more proactive approach to your role and directly motivating your colleagues to bring the best to the table constantly and at every corner too.


Being a good accountability coach simply means taking into account all the expectations of your colleagues and molding them into a workable, executable strategy that can help you and also those you are helping achieve their goals and objectives.

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