How Much Of A Difference Will An Accountability Coach Make?

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Choosing an accountability coach for your business.

Firstly, choosing an accountability coach for your business can take time and consideration. It is essential that you understand precisely what an accountability coach can and can not do for your business to be able to choose wisely. As we have previously described the qualities of a good accountability coach, here is a list of what an accountability coach can help your business achieve in terms of short-term and long-term goals.

A study* in the USA was undertaken and found out that the probability of completing a goal is:

  • 10% – If you have an actual idea or goal.
  • 25% – If you consciously decide you will do it.
  • 40% – If you decide when you will do it.
  • 50% – If you plan how you will do it.
  • 65% – If you commit to someone, you will do it.
  • 95% – If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

After reading this, how likely are you to achieve your; goals, promises, obligations and commitments alone?

Secondly, a great Accountability Coach will provide you with:

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Discover your Accountability Score and increase the probability of smashing your GOALS and Getting Sh!t Done!

1. Clarity

The first and foremost benefit of having an accountability coach is the ability to generate more clarity. When you work with an accountability coach to list and examine your business’s strengths and weaknesses, you can pinpoint problem areas and the source of issues. This means that you get more clarity for what you need to do to achieve success and growth. This also gives you a sense of purpose and direction as you get to know what actions must be taken to fix critical issues. Issues that affecting your business and work environment.

2. Focus

The benefit of having an accountability coach helping you is that you can create a focused and concentrated strategy. Professional help dealing with shortcomings and aspects that require immediate attention. You get the ability to focus your energy and thoughts on coming up with solutions that best meet your needs and requirements. An accountability coach can also help you get the skillset and training you need. Furthermore, this can inspire direct action by your staff and employees. Action to address emerging issues and matters that require due attention.

3. Management

The job of an accountability coach is not to run your business, but to get you the skills and tools you need to be able to manage your business and work effectively. With the experience you get by strategizing, planning, and prioritising, you can create better management methods and principles that can be successfully applied to any aspect of your work or business. This benefits your company in the short-term and has enormous benefits for future growth and expansion.

4. Productivity

By streamlining your workflow, teaching yourself and your staff to take responsibility, and creating an environment where accountability is encouraged, accountability coaches can help you increase productivity and a positive attitude at your workplace. Be it a multi-national company or a small business, productivity and the proper use of time and resources is vital for success. Furthermore, an accountability coach inspires and motivates you and your staff by providing them with the training they need to manage stress, workloads, and issues effectively.

5. Trust

The most important benefit of having an accountability coach helping you is the trust you gain in your abilities. With the help of an accountability coach, you get a better command of your day to day affairs. Through self-analysis and self-intervention that reflects positively on your company as well as on your staff. In the end, you get a work environment that ensures respect, trust, and also loyalty through continuous accountability and acceptance. Such a situation is inherently conducive to progress as everyone can bring their best to the team and feel that their actions have a positive effect on the company.


Finally, as with everything in life, getting an accountability coach for your business should be a measured and calculated decision. An accountability coach can be a vital resource for your business as they can bring you the skillset and expertise you need to create a supportive atmosphere at your workplace where your staff can work in peace while understanding their responsibilities and bringing their best to the table.

You can’t buy happiness, but Getting Stuff Sine is pretty much the same thing.

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