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Resources to the max – Free Stuff

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

Home » Resources to the max – Free Stuff
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Resources to the max, you gotta love that…

Some of our very best resources are available for you to download and use in your business. Crafted with love by Darren Finkelstein, created to make you more efficient, give you clarity and make it simpler to work with others.

Just enter your email address and we’ll zap them to you!


DELIVERING WHAT YOU PROMISE and getting your team to do the same

Do you meet the obligations, promises, goals and commitments made to yourself and to others?

The American Society of Training and Development (ASTD) did a study in 2010 on accountability and found out that the probability of completing a goal is:

  • 10% – If you have an idea or a goal actually.
  • 25% – If you consciously decide you will do it.
  • 40% – If you decide when you will do it.
  • 50% – If you plan how you will do it.
  • 65% – If you commit to someone, you will do it.
  • 95% – If you have a specific accountability appointment with a person you’ve committed to.

After reading this, how likely are you to achieve your; goals, promises, obligations and commitments alone? Book your FREE Unboxing Session with me ‘The Accountability Guy’ and we’ll examine exactly where you’re at, what’s worked and what hasn’t, and we’ll take a look at your priorities to set the path moving forward. Each Unboxing Session includes:

  • 60-90min obligation-free Zoom chat about your goals, promises and commitments
  • Examine your priorities
  • Review your ‘To-Do List’ and we’ll dig-in to how you will implement
  • Together, we will create a plan and set timelines

Click here to BOOK now.

For more information visit: https://tickthoseboxes.com.au or call me directly: +61 418-379 369.