Ten tips to make accountability come naturally

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When you are reading or listening to someone talk about accountability, you must wonder if it is practical to shift altogether towards accountability. Can you make that change and bring out the best in you and your work? Well, the answer is yes! Yes, you can make that change. This post will give you tips to make accountability come naturally. By now, we have understood the importance, and we have also understood what the consequences will be if the organization lacks accountability. How can accountability be the reason behind any organization’s success and employee engagement? We have also discussed how accountability brings transparency, self-discipline, and employee empowerment. But today, we will discuss how we can make all naturally adopted in our system.

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Top ten tips

Measure your progress

If you want to be accountable for your goal-oriented behavior, then it is vital that you learn to create milestones for your target. Keep the progress monitored so that you can measure the progress step by step. Keep the milestones small and achievable. This way, you can plan better and time you progress.

Plan your brainstorming session

The brainstorming sessions are beneficial to make you think proactively. It would be highly advisable if you have just received your new goals and you want to plan a road map to achieve them. If you sit with your manager, brainstorm, and proactively understand the challenges, you will have a counter-response. These brainstorming sessions will help you plan for the smaller milestones to keep you on track and motivated.


It’s a personal trait, but it helps in bringing out accountable behavior naturally. So, if you want to become self-disciplined, then make sure that you have the proper road map for your goals, make sure that you are punctual, and make sure that you are polite and respectful to everyone. This self-discipline is for you to follow at work and in your personal life. Keep the same behavior in your personal life.

Understand what motivates you

You want to remain focused at work, so understand what motivates you. What makes you bring to the office on time to perform better? It could be any hobby or any physical activity like gym or running. These habits bring happiness and motivation to serve better at work.

Understand your weakness and work on it

You must not get overshadowed by your strengths. Therefore, understand where you are lacking and how you can improve.

Cooperate and collaborate with your peers

As you know your strengths and weaknesses, see how you can match your liabilities and theirs with your strengths. See how you all can work together and perform better as a team.

Learn from your feedback

Accepting input from your peers and managers allows you to improve. Therefore, accept your feedback positively and see how you can improve yourself. Feedbacks are essential for you to learn. Understand your weak and strong points, and see how you can convert your weak points into your strengths.

Learn from your failures

Taking ownership of your losses also gives you an important lesson to learn from your mistakes. This way, you would understand what mistakes could have been avoided and what you shouldn’t repeat next time. Failures give you a learning point to improve for your next project.

Share your progress

As you are monitoring your progress, it is essential that you share your progress with your team and manager. This way, you are teaching others how they can also perform better; they can brainstorm and guide you on how to face the challenges and be proactive about them. Some would share the points that can help you avoid failures in the future.

Be clear of the expectations

When you join any new role, you understand what you should perform. What the organization expects out of you? What your job role requires you to act? Along with these expectations, you need to understand what materials and resources will be provided to you by the company. If you have all this clarity, you will remain focused and dedicated to performing at your best.


Accountability is essential for the employee’s outstanding performance. A well-qualified, accountable and dedicated employee will bring maximum results to the organization. So, to become accountable, it is vital that you start to think like a responsible and proactive person. As you bring in these changes one after another, you will observe that your performance has improved over time. As your routine improves, the organization’s growth graph and your team’s performance improve. As you become accountable, peers respect and trust you, and now they are also becoming responsible like you.

Latest Podcast!

Goal Setting & Staying Accountable | Work in Progress

I was excited to join Tia Harmer on The Work in Progress: The Personal Productivity Science Insights Podcast! We dive deep into the science of goal setting and the power of accountability—two cornerstones of business and personal success.