Tips on Being a Great Accountability Partner

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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Accountability can come in different forms. It can differ in size and shape and is not meant to be mutually exclusive. It is the practice of being responsible for one’s own actions.

Partnerships of accountability are effective when you are aware of your tasks. Your coach can help you with consistent accountability along the worksheets to progress towards your ultimate goal.

How can you be an ideal accountability partner? Here are some valuable tips that I have practised with significant effects that should help you be a great accountability partner.

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Plan Your Actions

Things are pretty easier when you have an action plan sorted for you and your partner before starting with your accountability relationship. As you begin with your partnership, you get the courage to proceed with it.

Having a plan ready in your hands and not acting on it will weaken your willpower as you start to procrastinate. Encourage each other to take the initiative for a healthy and good accountability partnership.

Be Realistic

When you try to be an ideal accountability partner, know that you need to be realistic with your plans for yourself and your partner. Like you, they deserve to know what’s best for them. Be realistic and stay faithful to each other.

Excuses should be treated practically and not as obstacles barring you from reaching your goal. Help each other to achieve your goals. This way, both you and your partner will move ahead together. If either of you gets weak in the journey, the other can back you up.

Challenge Each Other

Communicate with each other while being respectful and faithful. Regular and genuine communication is crucial for an effective accountability partnership. Be available and ensure to communicate with each other regularly in sufficient amounts to stay accountable to each other in all pursuits.

There is no room for judgement in an accountability relationship. Assuming the best for every situation, you have to respect each other’s choices. Accusing your partner might trigger their defensive side and make them stubborn.

But if you ask them genuinely, it would appeal to their conscience and encourage them to evaluate their behaviour in light of the right step to take. Ask each other challenging and observe each other critically.

Review the failures and guilt to identify the trigger points and temptations and frame a plan for the next time. Make sure to keep matters confidential unless others show interest in your business.

Support and Encourage

Support each other’s values and goals. Remember, it is crucial to define the purpose before agreeing to build an accountable relationship with your partner. Encourage your partner to stick to the action plan to move ahead toward their goal.

Set an Example

Set examples for each other. If you and your partner have decided on an action plan, set timelines for each goal. Then be responsible enough to finish your goal in time to set an example in front of your partner.

Stand by the belief that one should count their own faults before counting others. The art of accountability allows you to be accountable for your own actions.

When you set an example by owning to actions, you can expect your partner to do the same.

Be Honest

An accountability partnership works best when both parties are honest with each other. Ensure that you clearly define your goals and objective and remain faithful to each other. It won’t be right to set goals only because your partner may or may not approve of it.

Know that it is your life and business and your goals. They can be only specific to you. When you are not honest with each other, you may not be fair with each other, and it can create confusion between the two.

The point of an accountability relationship will be violated if you are not honest with each other. You owe it to yourself and your partner throughout the entire process of accountability.

Ensure Accountability Touches All Areas of Life

Everybody has specific weaknesses. Accountability focuses on those particular issues. Although you may be tempted to falter in another area, you can only sneak up at the most.

You can avoid blindspots in your schedule and get together every few months to learn each other’s issues and pitfalls. Discuss each other’s spiritual disciplines, church attendance, ministry involvement, financial stewardship, etc. and the current updates of life.

Being an accountability partner is not just focusing on your partner’s flaws or just one or two particular areas, but observing their life closely and critically and helping them move toward their goal.



Accountability can keep you connected to your goals. An accountability partnership ensures that you stick to your purpose and accomplish amazing things. Success does not always come effectively when you work alone. But it comes stronger, better, and faster when you have a partner to push you and support you.