Weekly Accountability Tip 19: Use apps to track stats

Home » Weekly Accountability Tip 19: Use apps to track stats
Track Stats

Welcome to my Accountability Tips.

I hope you find this week’s tip of interest and relevant to your week ahead or perhaps the week just gone.

Remember: You can’t buy happiness, but Getting Stuff Done is pretty much the same thing.

Have a great week.


If you like what your reading and this resonates with you, as your ‘Accountability Coach’ I’ll keep you on track, so you keep those promises and commitments made to others and yourself.

If we do this right, you’ll increase your sales, service your clients better, make more money and work less hours. Now you can spend it with those that are most important and not doing work.

Visit my website to find how we can work together: https://tickthoseboxes.com.au/working-with-me

If you need help with your business, I work with entrepreneurial business owners, executives and their teams to ensure full accountability so they can meet obligations, promises and commitments made to others and themselves. My name is Darren Finkelstein: Accountability Coach, Business Advisor and Presenter.

For more info reach out to us at questions@tickthoseboxes.com.au

Latest Podcast!

Goal Setting & Staying Accountable | Work in Progress

I was excited to join Tia Harmer on The Work in Progress: The Personal Productivity Science Insights Podcast! We dive deep into the science of goal setting and the power of accountability—two cornerstones of business and personal success.