What Is An Accountability Coach?

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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Modern Accountability Coaching

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So, you are ready to take on a journey of transformation and betterment. Congrats, that is a great decision. Trying to Get Sh!t Done or develop work better habits? Way to GO!

We do not want to be the bearers of bad news, but according to scientific studies, chances are that you will give up halfway through your mission before you reach your goal. That is just how the brain works. After a bit of time, it starts losing energy and interest and that means failure to meet your own expectations. Hasn’t this happened to you before? We are sure it has.

The magical thing is that, it does not have to be this way. With the right guidance, advice and support, you can carry your energy, motivation and commitment to the very end. Success is sometimes only a matter of consistency, but most importantly, it relies completely on ACCOUNTABILITY.

Accountability quick images

Discover your Accountability Score and increase the probability of smashing your GOALS and Getting Sh!t Done!

What is Accountability?

Accountability is the act of knowing that you and only you are responsible for your success. It means taking charge of your actions and intentions and translating your ambitions into achievable concrete goals that bring you closer and closer to success. Accountability is the metric with which you can measure the impact and effect of each action and judge whether it will take you closer or farther away from your final goals and objectives. I like to say Accountability is simply; doing the things you say you are going to do, and getting your team to do the same.

Why is Accountability Important?

Accountability is important in any endeavor. It guarantees that we carefully consider our actions and measure the effects of every step against a clear and concise objective that we hope to achieve. Accountability not only helps us combat ambiguity, but also helps us remain motivated and battle negative thoughts, emotions and behavior patterns. But, if you find it hard to stay accountable to yourself most of the time, or even if you don’t really know how to proceed with self-accountability, then maybe you need an accountability coach to help you along the way.

What is an Accountability Coach?

An accountability coach is a professional expert whose entire job is to keep you in check and provide the required motivation so you can achieve your goals within specified deadlines. Accountability coach provides your assistance in laying out a clear plan, breaking it down into smaller objectives and prioritise them with respect to urgency and importance.

Apart from that, the coach will keep regular tabs on you to ensure you’re meeting your own expectations and achieving those goals. The accountability coach also gives you the appreciation to keep you motivated and consoles you when things don’t go your way. They your professional guardian who guides you through the path of success and sticks with you in both good and bad times.

To find this person, they need to have a proven track record of being able to get things done themselves, forget the university degrees, that doesn’t always mean they have ‘walked the talk’.

Ideally, with runs on the board themselves, find one that’s successfully navigated the path your following. Its great if they have ‘been there and done that’, this will stop alot of uncertainty, being able to straighten your course if you wander away from the goal. Which is bound to happen.

How can an Accountability Coach help?

An accountability coach is a professional expert whose entire job is to keep you in check and provide the required motivation so you can achieve your goals within specified deadlines. Accountability coach provides your assistance in laying out a clear plan. Breaking it down into smaller objectives and prioritise them with respect to urgency and importance.

Apart from that, the coach will keep regular tabs on you to ensure you’re meeting your own expectations and achieving those goals. The accountability coach also gives you the appreciation to keep you motivated and consoles you when things don’t go your way. They are your professional guardian who guides you through the path of success and sticks with you in both good and bad times.

To find this person, they need to have a proven track record of being able to get things done themselves. Forget the university degrees, that doesn’t always mean they have ‘walked the talk’. Ideally, with runs on the board themselves, find one that’s successfully navigated the path your following. Its great if they have ‘been there and done that’. This will stop alot of uncertainty, being able to straighten your course if you wander away from the goal. Which is bound to happen.

Why Do I Need An Accountability Coach?

Because doing nothing costs you money and lost opportunity, and you’re pissing people off by your lack of action. Are you juggling too many balls in the air at once, trying desperately not to drop any of them? If so, that is a clue why you may need an accountability coach.

Let me share a game-changing study with you from the USA, it was undertaken to calculate the probability of completing a goal with and without direct support, assistance and guidance.

The stats are phenomenal:

After reading this, how likely are you to achieve your; goals, promises, obligations and commitments alone?

This is exactly WHY you need an accountability coach.

The answer to that question depends on where you stand on your journey towards accountability and success. But, the fact remains, no matter where you may be in your journey. It is always a wise decision to recruit the help of a talented and experienced professional to help you along the way. The learning opportunities combined with the tradition of a greater success rate, getting an accountability coach to help you achieve you goals and ambitions is a worthwhile investment that can pay off in more ways than you can imagine in the long run.

We hope that you achieve each one of the goals you have set for yourself soon. For more help and information regarding accountability, you can read up on the various other posts we have made on this blog. We wish you success and happiness.

Updated: 30/11/23