What is Your Accountability Score?

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Accountability score refers to the readiness of an individual to accept a part in the decision-making, actions, conduct, and results.

To put it another way, if an individual says they’ll be doing something, they’ll be doing it – regardless of the conditions.

A responsible individual is more likely to earn the trust of their peers.

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Discover your Accountability Score and increase the probability of smashing your GOALS and Getting Sh!t Done!

What Is the Best Way to Calculate Your Accountability Score?

Accountability may be measured without a lot of empirical studies. Here are five simple techniques to assess accountability:

1. Define What Constitutes as Accountable Behaviour

You’ll need to decide what metrics or behaviours you want to monitor before you can build up an accountability framework.

The term ‘accountability’ can be used to describe outcomes. For instance, the number of chargeable hours worked, the volume of sales closed, and so on.

The term “accountability” can also apply to the consequences of bad performance. You might set monthly sales objectives; for example, if you don’t follow through and meet those company goals, you’ll be held responsible and suffer the repercussions.

These could include the following:

  • I’m not getting a bonus every quarter.
  • Obtaining specialised training
  • Having to work extra hours to fulfil your sales target.

You’ll need to define the overall objective for your entire enterprise based on your concept of accountability.

2. Set SMART Goals and Track Your Progress

Creating objectives is one of the most effective strategies to develop and measure individual responsibility. You’ll have a clear idea of what you’re expected to do, and you’ll be more driven to work.

You can’t merely set any objective, though; you’ll need to make sure it’s SMART. The term SMART stands for:

  • Specific: They must be designed so that they cannot be misunderstood.
  • Measurable: Can be evaluated in terms of numbers, figures, money, and so on.
  • Achievable: Shouldn’t surpass your capacity.
  • Relevant: It should be in line with the company’s basic principles.
  • Timebound: Must be completed within a certain amount of time.

Instead of doing a lot of work with no clear aim, you would determine where to concentrate your energy if you had a goal in mind.

3. Set up Performance Measures in Step

Evaluation criteria are used to assess whatever it is you’re performing at work.  It also gives hard performance statistics that may be utilised to define your performance goals.  You can use this method to encourage yourself to improve your productivity.

While performance evaluation criteria such as punctuality, the volume of sales closed, and so on can be established, you may also need to conduct a subjective performance appraisal.

Assess your soft talents, such as management, creativity, collaboration, perseverance, team building, and morale enhancement.

Use a 1-10 scale to determine how effectively you exhibit these qualities throughout time. Then, acquired from previous expectations of yourself, you might offer a final score to the entire performance.

This accountability method will assist you in determining how you can meet your typical performance standards and whether you require extra training.

4. Conduct Personal Evaluation

You may well have set SMART objectives and performance indicators for yourself; however, are they helping you achieve your objectives?

You’ll have to hold a yearly performance assessment for yourself to see how effective they are. Before the review, make a list of the goals you set for yourselves last year, as well as your current goals.

During the assessment, consider how you believe you performed. Also, encourage yourself to give the reasons for the positive or negative outcomes. You’ll have to decide if you need to reevaluate your commitments based on your answers.

5. Participate in Engagement Surveys

Because surveys are more individualised and give deeper insights, they complement the annual performance review. They also assist you in decoding your sentiments about workplace accountability.


Accountability measurement isn’t rocket science! To assess your efficiency, all you must do can achieve goals, evaluate them using performance indicators, and generate reports.

If you’re having trouble meeting your objectives, you can intervene to discuss their performance and offer advice. You could also track and improve your efficiency by using monitoring software.

You’ll be able to establish an extremely accountable and transparent score in no time if you apply the simple ideas and techniques outlined here.

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