Why You Need
Accountability Coaching

You require it because your lack of action is costing your company money, causing you to miss out on opportunities, and upsetting people.

Are you a high-performing entrepreneur who wants to achieve more?

Four reasons why you need to work with me!

If that’s the case, you’ve come to the right place. Accountability coaching is not about punishing those who are sluggish or do not have a strong desire to succeed in business. It’s the polar opposite.

The time has come to act.

It’s all about Getting Sh*t Done and smashing your goals with a cricket bat like pinatas.

Learning how to implement accountability is ideal for high performers who want to Get Shi!t Done, accomplishing more goals each day without having to work harder or longer. Inaction is simply procrastination; burying your head in the sand and hoping things will improve is blind hope.

Harvard Business School does not teach hope as a strategy. Steve Jobs didn’t wait; he took action. Everything else hinges on your ability to ‘implement and execute,’ and it is critical to the success of your business.

If you want to have more wins while juggling even more balls in the air, you need to act!

My TOP 7 Reasons
People Don't Get Sh!t Done.

Do any of these apply to you or your team?

1. Feeling Overwhelmed

Because you have so much on your mind, you pay attention to whoever yells the loudest.


  • Write it down– Get the ‘overwhelm’ out of your head and onto paper so you can distance yourself from it. You can also write down every task that concerns you.
  • Bite-sized pieces – After that, divide your tasks into larger chunks. To-do lists that are organised into ‘chunks’ allow you to see your world more clearly.
  • Choose wisely – Examine your chunks and prioritise tasks according to what makes you feel strong. Which ones are your favourites? What are you most looking forward to plan to complete these first and find a small way to celebrate your accomplishment. Delegate tasks to those who have an interest or expertise in the area, if possible. People find that participating in these activities gives them the strength and resilience to face everything else on their To-Do List.
  • Take action – The antidote to feeling overwhelmed is action. Just get started. Often, just getting started relieves accumulated anxiety and stress. Accountability coaching is helpful in this.
  • Concentrate on what you’re doing rather than what you’re not doing. Worry and time have a special bond. The more of one you have, the less of the other you have. When you concentrate on what is right in front of you, both are suspended.


Do you try to accomplish too much in an unrealistic time frame? Do you have the ability to say NO to others?


  • Examine your schedule to see if the new deadline can be accommodated. If it puts you “under the pump,” say ‘NO’ and delegate or reset the timeline to fit your schedule.
  • Remember that we ambition addicts have a difficult time relaxing. Run a tight schedule because unscheduled time fills us with dread.

3. Not Having a Plan

You want to complete a specific task or project, but you’re not in the right frame of mind to devise a workable plan. Some people never plan anything. ‘If you don’t plan, you plan to fail,’ is correct. There has never been a sentence more true to me.


  • To begin, whenever you plan, plan to succeed so that it isn’t a surprise when the plan eventually leads to success, more achievements, and an improved market position, whether for a brand or a product.
  • Next, if you want to succeed, your plan must include your progress as well as the best path to success.
  • Third, I enjoy ‘deconstructing’ my plans. Working backwards from my goal allows me to break down what is needed and set adequate completion times for all necessary steps and tasks.
  • Finally, if you require additional planning assistance, let’s get started. Test out one of my Accountability Coaching programs.

4. Focusing on Past Problems

What has held you back in the past may still be present. The monkey may still be on your back, and you have no plan for dealing with it. While you hope it will go away, you are aware that it is unlikely.


  • Habits do not vanish on their own. You must decide to “let it go.” If you don’t make this conscious decision right away, you risk sabotaging any effort to move on from this past trauma.
  • Every moment, we have the option of continuing to feel bad about our past or beginning to feel good. You must take responsibility for your own happiness rather than putting it in the hands of a past event.
  • It is now time to let go. Stop reliving the past and let it go. Stop convincing yourself that you can’t do it.
  • You cannot change the past, but you can make today the best day of your life.

5. Not Knowing Where to Start

When you don’t know where to begin with an exercise, you procrastinate and never get started.


  • Working backwards, deconstruct the desired goal or outcome into small bite-sized chunks.
  • When ‘idea gremlins’ appear without explanation to disrupt the soul, attempting to understand their meaning before the optimal time to do so only leads to frustration. Allow them to come instead. Allow them to dance. Allow them to turn the tables. Listen to what they have to say without demanding a reason.
  • Get your thoughts and everything else that’s going through your head down on paper. Make a list of your ideas and thoughts.
  • Distribute this information to others and welcome feedback from others.
  • How accountable are you? Take my quiz to find out! Discover your accountability score and increase your chances of meeting your objectives.

    Take my Accountability Quiz.

6. Not Having a Big Enough Reason

There is no true motivation for completion if you do not have a compelling reason to complete the task or project. Typically, you’ll move on to the next project, leaving the first one unfinished because you believe the new project has greater significance, and so on.


  • You must reconnect with your project and understand why it must be completed.
  • Understanding the significance of your role and how the completion of the job affects others also reminds you of your responsibilities—to do your part and not let others down.
  • There are numerous procrastination techniques that keep us from completing our tasks. When I’m going through one, I take a few moments to imagine what finishing the project would mean to myself and others. I then go hard and push through to complete the task.

7. Not Having Anyone to Hold You Accountable

It’s as if no one cares if you don’t have anyone to hold you accountable, and deadlines pass without a hitch. However, if you had shared your completion date with someone else, they would have been monitoring your progress, assisting you to work through the awkward moments, and assisting you to cross the finish line on time.


  • Despite what you may believe, you cannot do it alone. Humans are social creatures. There is little glory in failing alone, so swallow your pride and seek assistance, advice, or clarification. You may have to repay the favour at some point, but that is why you have friends and colleagues; they make excellent accountability buddies.
  • It is also beneficial to bring an objective third party into your world. You’ll benefit from fresh eyes, an outsider’s perspective, and new ideas if you don’t have any emotional attachments or connections.
  • Hire an Accountability Coach, like me. I’ll keep you on track so that you keep your promises and commitments to yourself and others. I’ll check in on your progress every week to make sure you’re on track. I care, and as a result, you will see results.

How can The Accountability Guy® help you?

How can The Accountability Guy® help you?

Whenever you and/or your team are ready, here are many ways to become more accountable…

  1. Book a complimentary 15-MINUTE Accountability Assessment
    This is a fast-paced, speed-coaching session, facilitated by The Accountability Guy®, you will find out just how accountable you really are. Book your session now
  2. Take “The Accountability Scorecard”
    How accountable are you? Discover your accountability score and increase the probability of smashing your goals and Getting Sh!t Done! Take the quiz
  3. Read my books
    “The Accountability Advantage – Play Your Best Game”

    Eliminate procrastination and overwhelm, and start playing your best game. Buy a copy

    ‘NO’ – Building a life of choice without obligation”
    Imagine turning mandatory tasks into empowering choices. Imagine if ‘NO’ could lead you to happiness and freedom. This book will show you that ‘NO’ can open the door to a life you never thought possible. Buy a copy

  4. Study my online course “Accountability Made Easy” For high-performing goal-kickers who want to achieve even more success in work and in life. Enrol now and become accountable in a matter of hours. Enrol now 
  5. Complete my “30 Day Accountability Challenge”
    Here’s how to tick off any task on your To-Do List in the next 30 days (or sooner) without working harder, without letting anyone down and especially without giving up anything you love doing… Register now
  6. Private or Group Coaching Session
    You’ll walk away from our coaching sessions with clarity, a plan, and clear timelines for you to move forward and achieve your goals.

Click here for more information on all my coaching programs.

What is the Real Meaning of Accountability?

ac·count·a·bil·i·ty əˌkoun(t)əˈbilədē 
noun: accountability
  1. the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility.
    responsibility, liability, answerability, responsibility reporting, obedience

According to the dictionary, “accountability” means:

An individual’s or organization’s obligation to account for its actions, accept responsibility for them, and disclose the results in a transparent manner. It also includes financial or other entrusted property responsibility.

To summarise, accountability entails keeping promises or honouring commitments made to ourselves or others. There is a distinction to be made between accountability and responsibility; they are cousins rather than identical twins.

Allow me to explain. You are responsible for things and answerable to others.

If we want to get things done, we need someone we can work with – someone in a key position who holds you accountable.

This person must have a track record of completing tasks on their own. You don’t need talkers; you need people who take action.

Accountability promotes activity, and activity promotes opportunities.

The bottom line for business is: Accountability is doing the things you say you are going to do, and getting your team to do the same.

That’s precisely how I can help, you can also find me on LinkedIn



Latest Podcast!

Goal Setting & Staying Accountable | Work in Progress

I was excited to join Tia Harmer on The Work in Progress: The Personal Productivity Science Insights Podcast! We dive deep into the science of goal setting and the power of accountability—two cornerstones of business and personal success.