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The Accountability Scorecard

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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Accountability scorecard

How accountable are you?

It’s one thing to have excellent intentions, but it’s another to act on them. It’s another thing entirely to ensure that such intentions are carried out. That distinction is critical when it comes to leadership, sales coaching, and staff training. So, how can you make sure you’re following through and keeping yourself and your team accountable for their actions? It all boils down to a few different methods.

Taking a self-evaluation to determine your strong as well as weak areas is crucial for you to determine where you are lacking and which aspects of your psyche you need to keep aside. The accountability quiz is here for you to self-evaluate how accountable you are with some questions. Taking this quiz will prove useful in various aspects.

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Discover your Accountability Score and increase the probability of smashing your GOALS and Getting Sh!t Done!


We constantly emphasise the necessity of setting goals, and the accountability quiz talks about just that. It is critical for anyone to achieve success if they have established goals and are constantly striving to reach them.

Having a plan is essential to achieving your objectives. Without one, your chances of success are slim to none. “Failures don’t plan to fail; they fail to plan,” stated Harvey McKay, and in order for a plan to succeed, it must be thoroughly examined. You’ll only have a chance of success if you evaluate your goals and the steps you’re doing to get there. Using the accountability quiz will lead you on a deeper insight towards a better future.

Documenting Your Plans And Laying The Necessary Groundwork

A well-documented plan of action is crucial for an individual to attain the necessary success in life. Knowing how you will go about your tasks is necessary to achieve your goal. Dividing your work into smaller bite-sized pieces will help you grasp more clearly on how to proceed with the tasks at hand. Setting smaller goals will help you to achieve goals more clearly. Plan for setbacks. Knowing that you have a contingency for emergency situations can boost your self-confidence. The accountability quiz will work you through these inconsistencies and make you a better person.

Setting Achievable Goals

We often set unachievable tasks, or ourselves not fully evaluating the requirements and proceeding along the said task. There usually comes a time when it becomes clear you will not achieve the task within the established deadline. Goal setting is an important tool for imagining your ideal future and inspiring yourself to make it a reality.

Setting objectives allows you to decide where you want to go in life. Knowing exactly what you want to achieve allows you to focus your efforts in the right places. You’ll also recognise the distractions that might lead you astray so easily. The accountability quiz will help you achieve your goals by helping you evaluate where you are lacking and how you will improve it.

Delegating Tasks And Working With Friends

Delegating a task is a true example of accountability. When you delegate, you trust the other person to be responsible with the task. Delegating means you do not trust yourself to be as competent as the other person to deliver on the said task. This means you have a sense of accountability towards the project, and would like to see the project see the light of the day without it being scrapped. The accountability quiz will help you come true to your feelings about the task that you may have at hand, and deliver on it or delegate it to someone else.


The accountability quiz will give you a percentage across six categories which are critical in your search for accountability. Your score and give you an in-depth assessment on how you are to proceed with your accountability practices. It will review on the basis of six categories and give you knowledge of the areas you lack and give you some tips on how to improve them.

How accountable are you? Take the quiz to find out!