What are self-accountability and its examples?

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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Self-accountability is a personal trait that helps individuals demonstrate more responsible, proactive, and trustable behaviour.

At work, professionals accountable for their actions and decisions are equally capable of standing up for their failures. So, a self-accountable person will be more committed and dedicated to their goals and the company’s progress and growth.

Individuals achieve excellent heights in their team’s performance, deliver high productivity and job satisfaction, and improve client and employee relationships.

An accountable professional will work on improving the work environment. They will measure the progress and timeline of meeting goals at every step.

In addition, an accountable manager is more capable of grooming their team members, because they can demonstrate all the examples in front of team members and will be able to preach the same teachings.

Self Accountability is an achievable and adaptable skill. Once you learn and adapt to the accountable Mind Shift, he will ensure that he can meet all the requirements at work. 

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Table of Contents

Examples of self-accountability

Here are 8 basic examples of self-accountability.

Admitting your mistakes

A self–accountable person will always be responsible for their actions and decisions. So, during failure, they will stand up for mistakes and decisions that lead to loss.

Proactive thinking

An accountable individual adopts being proactive rather than being reactive behavior. Being prepared to handle any problems at any point in time and having critical thinking to find more solutions for potential challenges.

Learning from mistakes

An accountable person will ensure that they look at mistakes when they happen and why the decisions that lead to the mistakes failed. Looking into mistakes allows you to see what went wrong and where the issue came from. Looking into the root cause of mistakes can help you avoid the same issues in the future. 

Asking for help

A self-accountable manager or individual will not shy away from asking for help. When they are aware of their weakness and others’ strengths, they will ask for help or they will assist others using their strengths when appropriate.

Accepting feedback

Feedback is often taken negatively, but if the person has adopted self-accountable, will receive the feedback positively and will learn from the input.

Recognises problem without ignoring it

A self–accountable manager or leader will recognize the problem and will ensure that the team is prepared for the challenges that they might face. An accountable manager will do all that they can to solve issue without passing on responsibility.


Punctuality is the key trait that portrays self-accountable behavior. For example, when an accountable person is punctual about the delivery of his tasks, reaching the office and meetings on time, that displays that they’re committed to his work.

Focused on goals and objectives

Self–accountable people are focused on their goals and objectives and will ensure that they meet appointed timelines. Actively participating in goal setting, can help when planning for the challenges and other possible ways to meet targets.

So, let’s look at some critical aspects of how one could shift their mind towards self-accountability.

How to shift his mind towards self-accountability?

Here are some aspects that one could adopt in daily routine to ensure self-accountability.

  • Focused on goals: Defining goals, understanding the timeline, and planning the accountability roadmap to achieve them.
  • Measure the progress: An accountable person will measure progress regularly to ensure they can meet all the necessary targets on time.
  • Working on small projects at a time: An accountable person must complete projects one after another. Focusing on the smaller tasks and slowly working toward the bigger ones.
  • Evaluate performance: One must evaluate progress and performance and see the points where one can improve next time.
  • Find a mentor: When you are working on adopting responsible behavior, then it is appreciated if you choose your responsible mentor. That person can help you plan and evaluate, and then make necessary changes.


A self–accountable person will help strengthen the company’s culture of trust. This individual will enable the empowerment of employees and team members. They will ensure that the team has high productivity.

An accountable person will help breed and build trust between co-workers and team members. As mentioned above, a responsible person will ensure that they continuously measure progress and performance.

By accepting mistakes and learning from them will ensure that these issues are not repeated. Taking feedback positively and adapt to necessary changes to improve performance.

Do not shy away from asking for help from team members, as he will learn about his weaknesses and other strengths that will help him learn and bring in more trust among team members. A self-accountable person will not waste his time blaming others but will stand for his mistakes.