How To Avoid Getting Overwhelmed While Setting Your Goals?

By Darren Finkelstein
By Darren Finkelstein

The Accountability Guy®

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An organization is vast and has many people working. Often, as a CEO or manager, you might find it challenging to set the necessary goals and achieve them. Even if you’re the best at being accountable, planning and achieving your goals can be taxing.

You might feel uneasy, overworked, and overwhelmed, isn’t it? While setting a goal might seem uncomplicated, it can be challenging to put a clearly defined goal within the SMART framework.

Planning and setting goals feel overwhelming and difficult. This is because there are a lot of things to concentrate on, and you may not know what or how to begin the process. So, tend to pay attention to what shouts the loudest. However, are you wondering how to combat this overwhelm?

Fret not; this blog will give you proven solutions to deal with overwhelm.

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Dealing With Overwhelm

Dealing with overwhelm is vital so that it is easier for you to achieve your goals successfully. When setting and planning to achieve your goals, you have too much to concentrate on, so you get overwhelmed. However, it’s crucial to deal with the overwhelm, or you’ll have a roadblock to achieving your goals.

Here are some tips for dealing with Overwhelm:

Write It Down

When you’re overwhelmed, it’s recommended that you write it down. Everything that is churning in your head can feel like a big deal and make you feel overburdened and overwhelmed. So, write down all your thoughts on paper. You can also write all your tasks on paper and distance yourself from them a bit.

You’ll be able to work better on your goals. Plus, written goals reduce stress and boost motivation. Further, it lets you track your progress and makes your goal tangible. It helps to make your brain clutter-free, and you’ll. Be able to focus on the task at hand better.

Work With Bite-Sized Chunks

Once you write down your tasks and goals, you’ll be able to segregate them according to big chunks and bite-sized chunks. When you organize your goals and tasks in chunks, you’ll be able to plan it out better and be quicker in achieving your tasks.

If you start doing huge chunks at a time, you’ll find it difficult and feel overburdened quickly. Start with bite-sized chunks. Chew through your tasks instead of taking a load on you from the get-go.

So, slowly start doing tasks one at a time. This will help you cross off things on your to-do list, and it will help keep the overwhelm at bay.

Choose Carefully

When you’ve organized your tasks in chunks, you should choose which to do carefully. You might want to start with the smaller chunks. Alternatively, you can start with what makes you feel good, what you love, and the tasks you’re actually looking forward to.

Plan to do the feel-good tasks first. Then you can try to delegate some tasks to your team depending on their expertise and interest. Your overwhelming feeling will dramatically reduce when you delegate correctly.

Delegating and ensuring you do things you love makes you resilient and strong enough to seamlessly go through your task list.


When you find yourself overthinking about your task, you might want to start acting. Often, action is the antidote to overwhelming feelings. When you start doing the things from your to-do list and cross them off, you’ll feel the burden reducing. Plus, your anxiety levels will significantly come down too.

So, start acting on your task one-at-a-time chunk-by-chunk. Even if you have to delegate, start by doing that so that you alleviate your stress levels and reduce anxiety. Set SMART goals and start acting on them to combat the feeling of overwhelm.


Focus is the key to not feeling overwhelmed. When you have a task at hand, focus on that task so that you can get it done. Suppose you think about your to-do list and the tasks you’re not doing currently. You will not only botch up your current task, but you will also increase your stress. Plus, you’ll end up having to re-do your current task.

So, it’s vital to focus on your current task and get it done before going to the next. The less you worry, the more time you’ll have to achieve your goals and tasks timely.

Overcoming Overwhelm

Overcoming overwhelm is easy by following the steps given above. Additionally, here are some pointers to bear in mind:

  • Don’t set over-ambitious goals. Ensure your goals are SMART, honest, and authentic
  • Always break your goals into smaller pieces.
  • Set realistic timeframes and learn to say no
  • Delegate your tasks if it gets too much or reset your deadlines
  • Prioritize your tasks and set motivational goals for yourself
  • Write your goals down
  • Stick with your goals and maintain consistency

You can overcome overwhelming feelings while setting a goal if you’re persevering, consistent, hard-working, know when to say no, and are realistic.


Overwhelming feelings can be stressful and painful. So, ensure you take the proven steps to overcome overwhelm. Should you struggle, hire an accountability coach from TickThoseBoxes. They will help you overcome your overwhelm and ensure you attain your tasks and goals seamlessly.